Saturday, October 12, 2013

Natural Girls Picture Diary

Two strand twists

Twists and curls

Press and curl

Twists and Curls

Can you tell I like twists and curls?

It's a Family Affair

PhotoGrid_1375119916082.jpgWhen it comes to being natural and living a natural life, it is definitely a "Family Affair." Have you heard of the saying, "A family that prays together stays together?" Well, let's think of being natural in that aspect. "A family that learns to be natural together transforms together." We are transforming our previous thoughts on natural hair and learning to appreciate what we were given. We are also learning new hair styles that brings out our natural beauty.

If you look at the picture to the left, you will see an aunt, a mother, two daughters, and two nieces. All individuals are natural. The aunt and mother started being natural three to four years ago. The two daughters and nieces have been natural since birth.

~It's never too late