Thursday, October 11, 2012

What "The Knotty Truth" Says About Going Natural

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So it has been approximately three years and 3 months since I went natural. My transition left me feeling so exhilarated and enlightened. I was ready to conquer the world; natural world that is. If only during that transition I had read the book, "The Knotty Truth." I know I would have been better equipped with what worked and what did not work. I am aware that we all do not have the same hair texture and that we all have to try different products; however, “The Knotty Truth,” provided great products for natural hair with important information regarding what that particular product did for the hair. The examples below provide hair information that I found important and very helpful:
CSDSRCD- This stands for conditioning, sectioning, detangling, shampooing, rinsing, condition, and detangle. This is the hair washing process that the book suggest that natural individuals use for “Happy hair.”

Essential Oils

Chamomile- hair sheen, conditions
Basil- Hair growth
Peppermint- promotes hair growth
Cedarwood- antiseptic, cleanser, toner; treats dandruff, increases growth
Eucalyputus- Cleanser
Frankincense- Stimulates sebum production
Lemongrass- Clean fresh smell, slows down oil production
Rosemary Oil- aids in hair growth (not for pregnant women)
Tea Tree Oil- Treats oily hair, dry scalp; natural antiseptic
Ylang Ylang- antiseptic, stimulates growth; controls sebum production
Lemon- Cleanser, hair lightener
Lavender- Soothes senses, treats dandruff
Sage- Natural cleansing and reviving properties of dead hair follicles  
Check back soon and I will review info on moisturizers and conditioners suggested by the book.

 If you are planning on going natural or have already done so, I highly recommend obtaining your very own copy of, “The Knotty Truth.” This DIY book allows you to learn ways to manage your own naturalness, while keep your looks stylish and fresh.

~What are you waiting for? Go natural today!

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